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- Transferring Data from Metric 4.0 to the Statutory Biodiversity Metric Calculation Tool: A Step-by-Step Guide
With the introduction of the Statutory Biodiversity Metric in line with the Environment Act 2021, developers, ecologists, and planners are now required to use standardised tools to ensure compliance with Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) requirements.
In this blog, we’ll walk you through the process of transferring your existing data from Biodiversity Metric 4.0 to the Statutory Biodiversity Metric, helping you stay compliant and streamline the reporting process.

What is the Statutory Biodiversity Metric?
The Statutory Biodiversity Metric is the official tool required by local planning authorities (LPAs) and developers to assess biodiversity changes resulting from land-use changes, in line with the BNG framework. It ensures that biodiversity losses from developments are mitigated and, crucially, that a minimum of 10% net gain is delivered.
While Biodiversity Metric 4.0 has been widely used, the Statutory Metric Calculation Tool is now the mandated mechanism for biodiversity accounting in England. For those already using Metric 4.0, the good news is that transferring data to the Statutory Metric is a manageable process with clear steps.
Why Transfer Data from Metric 4.0 to the Statutory Biodiversity Metric?
Transferring your data ensures that:
- Your project adheres to BNG legislation and Defra guidelines.
- Your biodiversity data is aligned with the latest regulations, which may have subtle differences in calculations.
- Your planning application meets the necessary compliance standards for approval by LPAs.
Step-by-Step Guide to Transferring Data
- Step 1: Prepare Your Biodiversity Metric 4.0 Data
Before starting the transfer process, ensure that your Biodiversity Metric 4.0 data is fully updated and accurate. Ensure that your data reflects the most current situation on your development site. Any incomplete or outdated information will lead to issues during the transfer process. - Step 2: Download the Statutory Biodiversity Metric Calculation Tool
The Statutory Biodiversity Metric Calculation Tool is available for download from the UK Government’s official site. This tool is similar to Metric 4.0 but includes additional features and requirements needed for statutory compliance.Make sure to download the latest version of the tool to avoid compatibility issues.
Step 3: Fill out the Start Page of the Tool
Complete the start page of the statutory biodiversity metric calculation tool. This includes project details like project name, planning authority, applicant, application type, completed by, date of metric completion and other details. (Check image below)
You will also need to insert the on-site and off-site baseline maps and intervention maps on the start page.
- Step 4: Input Data into the Statutory Metric Tool
Once you’ve exported your data from Metric 4.0, open the Statutory Biodiversity Metric Calculation Tool. The tool has a user-friendly interface that closely mirrors that of Metric 4.0, which should make the process relatively straightforward.Now, here’s what you have to do. Copy and paste data from the white ‘enter data’ cells in the original metric tool into the statutory tool, column by column. Errors may appear if the entered data no longer meets the new metric’s validation requirements or until the entire dataset has been transferred.
- Step 5: Review Key Updates
While the Statutory Metric closely mirrors Biodiversity Metric 4.0, there are some notable updates to be aware of:
– Record irreplaceable habitat status for each baseline habitat area.
– Recalculate individual tree areas using the updated tree helper and methodology.
– Input the gain site reference for each habitat in the off-site tabs.
– Replace the ‘felled woodland‘ habitat with ‘replacement for felled woodland‘ in the post-intervention tabs.
– Update culvert encroachment and strategic significance per new guidelines.
– Ensure gain sites (if using the tool for off-site projects) show gains through planned habitat enhancements. Step 6: Validate Your Data
After inputting your data, use the validation features within the Statutory Metric Calculation Tool to ensure that all required fields are complete and accurate. The tool will notify you of any missing or incorrectly formatted data that could impact your project’s BNG compliance.Double-check:
– All habitats are accounted for.
– Distinctiveness and condition scores are accurately transferred.
– Pre- and post-development figures align with your project’s plans.
In Conclusion
Transferring data from Biodiversity Metric 4.0 to the Statutory Biodiversity Metric Calculation Tool is a critical process for ensuring compliance with the Environment Act 2021 and delivering the required Biodiversity Net Gain. While the two tools are similar in many respects, following a careful and systematic transfer process will help avoid errors and ensure that your development project proceeds smoothly.
By staying up-to-date with the latest statutory requirements and using the official calculation tool, you can ensure that your project contributes positively to the UK’s biodiversity goals while meeting legal and planning obligations.
Learn how AiDash Biodiversity Net Gain Management System™ (BNGAI™) can help with 10% BNG planning for urban projects.
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