BNG Masterclass for Local Planning Authorities

BNG Planning Essentials: Expert Insights for LPAs from UKREiiF 2024

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You will learn:

The core concepts of BNG: Understand the basics of Biodiversity Net Gain with its rules, exemptions, metrics, mitigation hierarchy and much more.

The planning process with BNG: Learn about the BNG application and plan submission process, and what it takes to ensure the plans are feasible, well-evidenced and actionable.

Reviewing submitted BNG plans critically: Have the trading rules been followed? Is the BNG plan actionable? Explore all the things LPAs must consider after a BNG plan has been submitted.

A Technology-Driven BNG Solution: Are there tools that can help LPAs speed up data validation? The approach needs automation to simplify and enhance the workflow. Find out all about it and more.

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